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Live Sound – Bands / Musicians / Clients
Joey Thomas Big Band (Multi Tributes)
Hey Jude (Beatles Tribute)
American Longboards
Ruby Shooz
Satisfaction (Rolling Stones Tribute)
Beatlemania Now (Tribute)
Benny & The Jets (Elton John Tribute)
Billy Joel (Tribute)
James Cawley (Elvis Tribute)
Rod Stewart Tribute
Captain Fantastic (Elton John Tribute)
Beatlemania Stage Show
JTBB – Sammy Davis Tribute
Glory Days Tribute
Lady Gaga Tribute
Shania Twin (Shania Twain Tribute)
The Shirelles
Motion Blur
Toga Boys Electric
Bad Chaperones
Skeeter Creek
Hair of the Dog
Moonshine Junkies
Chris Dukes Band
Double Down & Hard Ways
Band Camp
Skippy & The Pistons
Wild Adriatic
Probing Digit
Emeralds of July
Groove Therapy
Good For The Soul
Ten Year Vamp
Foy Brothers